Have you been through a traumatic accident or experience,

or were affected by someone who was?

Then we need YOU! 

YOU are invited to join me in helping others..

.. and here’s how we’re going to do it..


Have you been through a traumatic accident or experience, or were affected by someone who was? Then we need YOU!

Hi! I'm Deena Kordt and TOGETHER, we can help so many others who have been through something that has left them scarred,
whether those scars are visible, or not.

Sharing our stories of loss, and the process we're going through to heal and live our best lives, is something I feel we are obligated to do, if at all possible. It is a way we can use our experience to benefit others, to turn it into something for good. To give it a positive purpose.

There are people in all stages of healing & dealing who need to know they aren't alone.

Can you remember the support you had, or wished you'd had, during the worst times in your recovery?
Or how about those days when you were beating yourself up, thinking that you should be over it by now, but are having a tough time
Those are the people, in those days, we can reach with this kind of support.

It's why I need YOU and YOUR stories.

It's why THEY need YOU.

I would really love to talk to you about your experiences.
You may not be ready to go public with all the details, and that's perfectly fine.
We can start with a conversation, just you and I, exploring what we have in common and how this could help someone else, or just help each other for now.

Do you know someone with a story to share?

>> Please invite them by sharing this link <<

Give them the opportunity to help others.
Please consider contacting me.
Let's set up a time to meet on zoom and see where it goes.
No commitment to anything more than that, until you're ready.
You can sign up using the form, below, and I'll be in contact with you to set something up.

Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Life is a Highway - Enjoy the Ride!
xo Deena

1st draft of my book cover!

1st draft of my book cover!