~ Jeniece Berg Art ~

~ Jeniece Berg Art ~

My name is Jeniece Berg

I am a mother, nurse and artist. Like many women before me, I lost myself completely in abuse. Art and writing are helping me rediscover who I am, what I stand for and is continuing to help me heal and grow.
I recently got accepted into the University of Calgary, to do my Master’s in nursing. My research will be focusing on the benefits of art therapy for women and children who have experienced domestic abuse and are struggling with cognitive dissonance.
My goal is to get art supplies in every room, in every shelter across Canada. My artwork and poetry are both feminine and dark, showcasing the struggles of being a woman in the world today.
If you see any art you are interested in, please feel free to email me at
j3ni3c3@hotmail.com. I would love to collaborate and have my art showcased.
Some of my writing is featured on Deena’s blog

"Just Keep Smiling"

This painting depicts the merciless way society demands women to smile through the pain, and abuse we suffer. Women showcasing their negative emotions has always made others uncomfortable and uneasy. The expectation that women have no darkness, no anger, and no voice is no longer something we should have to endure.

"The Butterfly Effect"

This painting reflects the deep impact that being silenced can have on the soul of a woman. The “Butterfly effect” ideal has always interested me, and now more than ever I believe small occurrences can alter your life trajectory forever. I know for me, each subliminal message that I received as a girl on how women were expected to behave, had a larger ripple effect on the choices I made in life.

"The Raven"

For there to be light, there also needs to be darkness. For there to be good, there also needs to be evil. To win, sometimes first you must lose. The Raven can teach us how to go into the dark and bring forth the light. And on days when I feel I am covered in a darkness no one can see, it is then I try to be most like The Raven.

"The Martyr of Society"

Women are continually painted as being the Martyrs of Society. When we speak up about sexual abuse, domestic violence or misogyny, there is always a veil of distrust placed on our experiences. If we don’t speak up, we are asked, why didn’t you speak up? When we do speak up, we are painted as martyrs seeking to get sympathy and praise for our own benefit. The crucifixion of women happens every day across every country.

"Blue Buddha"

I love painting Buddhas in a colorful and feminine way. With each different picture, I love to experiment with the textures and different ways of painting.

"Pink Buddha"

I love painting Buddhas in a colorful and feminine way. With each different picture, I love to experiment with the textures and different ways of painting.

"Green Buddha"

I love painting Buddhas in a colorful and feminine way. With each different picture, I love to experiment with the textures and different ways of painting.

"Purple Buddha"

I love painting Buddhas in a colorful and feminine way. With each different picture, I love to experiment with the textures and different ways of painting.

"Orange Buddha"

I love painting Buddhas in a colorful and feminine way. With each different picture, I love to experiment with the textures and different ways of painting.

"Red Buddha"

I love painting Buddhas in a colorful and feminine way. With each different picture, I love to experiment with the textures and different ways of painting.

"Female Ganesha"

Ganesha is known as the remover of obstacles. This painting depicts Ganesha as a female entity and deity. For the true power of a woman, is removing the obstacles placed in her way every day in the patriarchal society in which we live.